I am recently reading the Watchmen graphic Novel and realized something, all super women are dressed for sex while most men are dressed for coolness or practicality (except superman he just looks like a pansy).
As a child growing up I watched Batmanand I thought he was so cool. Now that I am older I realize the only females in batman are Poison Ivy who is evil and Cat Women who I still can't figure out if she is good or evil however both women are dressed super sexy and super unpractical. Batman's costume has awesome gadgets and his armor protects him from all kind of bad stuff. Poison Ivy's costume is tight and sexy and has no other benefit, same with Cat Women.
Another show I watched was He-man Masters of the Universe. He-man did not have a cool costume; however, he did have a cool sword that he could fight with and a tiger that listened to his every command. His female counter part She-Ra has also a a sword, however, her sword is called the sword of protection which means she did not "kick ass" she played a motherly role of protection.
Later on in life I started watching the power puff girls. Now this was a show that I thought at first was awesome. There are no super men in it only girls. Here however is where the problem starts they are girls not women. They are cute and cuddly. We are telling our children that boys are allowed to grow up and be strong and protect the world, however, our girls need to stay cute and pretty and sexy and then they can HELP protect the world. This means that from early childhood girls are shown where their role in life is. They are to be a side kicks, or it takes three of them to do the job that one man can do.