When did it become sexy to be a nerd? You know the video game playing comic book reading, math nerd.
I was watching G4 when i realized that the people on their shows are getting hotter and hotter. For example Olivia Munn why does she have to wear revealing clothes? I mean it is a TV channel about tech stuff and comics and anime. Should the love and interest for these things not be enough to catch a "nerds" attention?
I realize that even back in the 80's they used hot women for example the movie weird science , this was a movie about two teens who are so tech savvy that they build a dream woman, however it was clear from the get go that this is the premise of the movie. On G4 they pretend that it is all about the gadgets but in all actuality it is about the ratings, and ratings are raked in with sex. Now women are not even safe amongst the stereo typical nerd that is supposedly shy around women. It used to be that you could simply be a girl that is friends with these gamers but that has changed. You have the same awkwardness that you have in the clubs just that the music is not as loud and the drinks are cheaper.
How this affects the brood population I do not know but I do know how it affects me. The gaming world used to be a place where women could be imperfect and happy. Now we are held to the same unrealistic standards of people like Layla Kayleigh.
But not only is the TV program adding more sexy hostesses but the video games are also being used to sex up the world...however that will be addressed in a later blog.
Blogging...an open diary
15 years ago
Stupid and trivial as it may sound: With sex you can sell anything, specially to men!