Monday, March 30, 2009

Super Heros?

I am recently reading the Watchmen graphic Novel and realized something, all super women are dressed for sex while most men are dressed for coolness or practicality (except superman he just looks like a pansy).
As a child growing up I watched Batmanand I thought he was so cool. Now that I am older I realize the only females in batman are Poison Ivy who is evil and Cat Women who I still can't figure out if she is good or evil however both women are dressed super sexy and super unpractical. Batman's costume has awesome gadgets and his armor protects him from all kind of bad stuff. Poison Ivy's costume is tight and sexy and has no other benefit, same with Cat Women.
Another show I watched was He-man Masters of the Universe. He-man did not have a cool costume; however, he did have a cool sword that he could fight with and a tiger that listened to his every command. His female counter part She-Ra has also a a sword, however, her sword is called the sword of protection which means she did not "kick ass" she played a motherly role of protection.
Later on in life I started watching the power puff girls. Now this was a show that I thought at first was awesome. There are no super men in it only girls. Here however is where the problem starts they are girls not women. They are cute and cuddly. We are telling our children that boys are allowed to grow up and be strong and protect the world, however, our girls need to stay cute and pretty and sexy and then they can HELP protect the world. This means that from early childhood girls are shown where their role in life is. They are to be a side kicks, or it takes three of them to do the job that one man can do.

Sunday, March 8, 2009


Even though I said I would write about video games in my next blog, however, I am sitting here watching Scooby-doo wondering, who did I like as a kid, and who I could not care less for. As a kid I really could not have cared less for Velma's existence. Now that I watch this again as an adult with some knowledge in media reading, I have come to the conclusion, that Velma is always dressed like a dork. In this particular episode she was all bundled up and looked like a great pumpkin while Fred and Daphene had on cute little snow suits that made them look like little models of what society thinks we should look like.
There I sat wondering where did this notion come from that smart girls have to be striped from all attractiveness to be seen as smart? In Scooby-doo it came from the 50's since this is when the show was made. Fred describes your typical jock and Daphene is a typical rich cheerleader type, so they stand as a couple. Scooby and Shaggy are portrayed as stoners, which makes them a couple in a sense.
This means that Velma is the odd one out; the one that no kid wants to be like. Who wants to be a single ugly little smart girl? Even pot-heads are placed above girls with brains and that is sad. Even in cartoons that are supposedly harmless, our children are being shown what is good and what is not. Even though Velma always solves the case we remember the Scooby snakes and the red hair of Daphene and the jockness of Fred and of Velma if we remember her name we remember she is wearing big glasses and that she was smart.
Since the 50's young girls have been told that either they are smart or pretty but never both. If they choose smart then they will vanish in the background, and no little kid wants that so they aspire to be pretty.
The ones who benefit are the white male world. How you must wonder? If we (women) spend our time getting pretty then we have less time to get smart. Everybody knows that knowledge is power so the less time we have for knowledge the more power the white male can keep.
The moral of the story is that even Scooby-doo is bad for equality. What does that say about our world?

Monday, March 2, 2009

Sex and the Nerd

When did it become sexy to be a nerd? You know the video game playing comic book reading, math nerd.
I was watching G4 when i realized that the people on their shows are getting hotter and hotter. For example Olivia Munn why does she have to wear revealing clothes? I mean it is a TV channel about tech stuff and comics and anime. Should the love and interest for these things not be enough to catch a "nerds" attention?
I realize that even back in the 80's they used hot women for example the movie weird science , this was a movie about two teens who are so tech savvy that they build a dream woman, however it was clear from the get go that this is the premise of the movie. On G4 they pretend that it is all about the gadgets but in all actuality it is about the ratings, and ratings are raked in with sex. Now women are not even safe amongst the stereo typical nerd that is supposedly shy around women. It used to be that you could simply be a girl that is friends with these gamers but that has changed. You have the same awkwardness that you have in the clubs just that the music is not as loud and the drinks are cheaper.
How this affects the brood population I do not know but I do know how it affects me. The gaming world used to be a place where women could be imperfect and happy. Now we are held to the same unrealistic standards of people like Layla Kayleigh.
But not only is the TV program adding more sexy hostesses but the video games are also being used to sex up the world...however that will be addressed in a later blog.